Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Game Of Fucking Thrones

Alright, I think most of you will understand what I am gonna talk about just by reading the heading.
I honestly don't remember from whom i heard about this fucking perfect tv show. All I remember is that I found out accidentally and before it started to be so famous. I was carried away by the settings, the atmosphere, the costumes, the plot, by fucking EVERYTHING.At first I felt in love with Daenerys Targaryen then with Khal Drogo (why did he have to die???) , then with Tyrion Lannister.

It is not just another epic fantasy show, it's THE epic fantasy show. The plot was of course taken by the books but still with the wrong producer, director and casting, it could be a total failure. This is the exact opposite thing. It's a masterpiece.This show is simply FANTASTIC (and The Walking Dead of course, but that's another topic).

Of course I couldn't forget to mention Arya Stark, maybe the most awesome role for a kid to play.It is proved that Maisie Williams was perfect for this role. And this is the good thing with this show, that every time I watch an episode I almost forget that it's a show.

So, war is here, finally!The first episode from the second season that I watched was fantastic, I still hate Joffrey Baratheon and his two disguasting parents and I am looking forward for the next episodes like crazy. So.. embrace yourselves..

Listen to the whole video, it is hilarious.


  1. I miss Ned and Khal Drogo! SX

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    axxaaxxa porwthhka pali xD molis eida kai to 2o episode

